Embrace Vet Mission Statement and our "why"
To honor the life of a pet with their family by providing a peaceful in-home euthanasia experience. We strive to achieve this by offering our patient and their family a personalized approach to end-of-life care.
The animals that share our lives bless us daily with unwavering love, companionship, and the joy of the human animal bond. In honoring this bond, it is our goal to provide a peaceful end-of-life visit. At Embrace Vet, we value the following;
Honor. It is an honor to help our patients and their families in one of the hardest parts of their lives together.
Kindness. Life is hard. End of life topics are hard. We will help serve our community of people and pets with the kindness they deserve, and we ask the same in return.
Respect and Trust. Every home we enter is a chance to create a relationship of trust and respect. We strive to respect your traditions, your comfort zone, and your special requests. We hope that you can trust us with this most personal time in your life.
Joy. There is no joy in the loss of a loved one. However, the life we led with them held joy, and our hope is that their memories continue to bring joy to your life. Joy is not the goal of the day we meet you, but it is in honor of the joy you experienced with your pet, and the hope that you will remember that joy, that drives what we do.
Our business name was born from a personal loss, and from recognizing that while we cannot control when we lose those we love, we can control a few aspects of that loss. We can embrace the time we had together, no matter how short. We can embrace the memories of joy. We can embrace our loved one in their time of death, surround them with love and kindness, and we can lean on each other. Our mission is simple yet complex. Provide a peaceful, honorable, kind service to our community of pets. and their people.
Congratulations on establishing your business! You have been such an incredible support for me in times gone by…it is a comfort to know you are offering these services ❤️